Brexit puts Mrs Brown's Boys movie sequel in doubt, says Mrs Brown himself

Brexit puts Mrs Brown's Boys movie sequel in doubt, says Mrs Brown himself

ONE of the more unexpected consequences of Brexit is that Brendan O’Carroll’s sequel to Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Movie is now in doubt.

The film, an offshoot of the phenomenally popular BBC One series, was critically panned when it was released, but loved by the fans.

The Independent’s Archie Bland wrote: “I can’t say I laughed, or even smiled, once in the whole godforsaken 93 minutes.” On the other hand, audiences loved it and the film made more than £20million worldwide.

With lines such as: “I missed the gym today. That’s ten years in a row” and “An expert has predicted that paper will eventually be replaced by computers — he’s obviously never tried to wipe his f***ing arse with a laptop,” somewhat improbably, Mrs Brown tapped into the British consciousness.

The show became one of the huge sitcom successes of the last decade.

But it looks as if the sequel to Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie could fall victim to the sinking value of the pound.

Star of the show Brendan O'Carroll has announced that the drop in sterling makes studio costs much more expensive, thus putting the whole enterprise in jeopardy.

Maybe if Brendan O’Carroll had let this be known before the Brexit referendum the result might have been quite different.